These days I am learning how to cope with being older and needing to find time in my life to take good care of myself, to enjoy my extended family that includes children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and a wonderful group of close friends. If it were not for this work I wouldn’t know so well how important all of these things are. As was my intention, gradually, over time, I have trained hundreds and hundreds of people to carry the work forward.
In 2005 I founded the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery to take over the training of people to facilitate WRAP groups. The training was (and is) based on the Mental Health Recovery and WRAP Facilitators Manual which I developed many years ago—in the late 1990’s and which I have revised many time since them. And now the Copeland Center has trained hundreds and hundreds of people all over the world to lead WRAP groups based on that manual and to teach people how to teach people to lead WRAP groups (based on the Advanced Level Facilitator’s Manual). It continues to do this good work.
I have continued to write books and develop resources to meet the growing demand for information. In order to publish, market and distribute those books, Ed (my spouse) and I set up a publishing house, WRAP and Recovery Books. That kept us really busy. WRAP and Recovery Books grew and grew and grew.
In July of this year, because I am well past retirement age, and to insure that this work continues into the future, we transferred responsibility for the marketing, distribution and publishing aspects of the work (WRAP and Recovery Books) to a company with amazing capacity to move this work forward, Advocates for Human Potential.
Knowing myself and what I like to do, I have decided to have this website and a Mary Ellen Copeland PhD Face book page as way to continue to keep in close touch with this work, and to spread the word in any way that can. From time to time that will include a presentation. I look forward to hearing from you.